Hello, I’m Lauren

Mum to a gorgeous little girl and we love all things sensory play! I have a background in science and animal welfare, love animals even the creepy crawlies 😊

Before the pandemic we went to baby sensory classes and that was our introduction to sensory play. I was amazed at the engagement and interaction Matilda had during our classes, she was so captivated, and I loved watching her learn and explore. When the pandemic hit, we found ourselves looking for alternatives to our classes and as Matilda grew, we explored sensory play together at home.

That is where Curious by Nature – sensory play began! I made up kits for Matilda in all different themes and watched as she learned to use the tools and just had messy fun with all the different bases. All our kits have been trialled and tested on toddlers and young children so we can see what they love best. 

Our sensory kits will engage and immerse your little one in the world of opened-ended play. Watch as they use the tools to develop their fine motor skills and as they investigate, create and discover all the different textures. But most of all have fun and learn through play!

Open-ended play is so important for children’s development, imagination and creativity.  I’m also pretty sure the adults have fun too; I know I do!

Included in you kit is a combination of the following according to your chosen theme; a sensory base (Sensory rice, beans, cloud dough, play sand, lentils, chickpeas etc.) your sensory tools (Tongs, scoop, magnifying glass, hammer, spade, brush etc.) for fine motor skill development, all your mini tactile pieces and best of all a book! 

Having a book to accompany the sensory kit is a way to encourage reading and storytelling through play. 

I’ve also included a picture of how you can set up the kit, but there are no rules to open ended sensory play, just let your kids go, have fun, be messy and learn along the way. 

Each kit also comes with an information card on the benefits of sensory play.

When your little one has finished playing, we recommend storing the kit in a clean, airtight container.

Just tip all the contents in and they are ready for next time! 

Lauren x