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Curious by Nature - Sensory Play

Sensory Rice

Sensory Rice

Regular price $5.95 AUD
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Sensory Rice

Bright and beautiful dyed sensory rice to simulate your little one's senses. Choose from our variety of different colours. Sensory rice is a fabulous sensory base, that can be packed away and used again and again!

Benefits of Sensory rice:

- For toddlers and pre-schoolers along with stimulating the tactile sense touch, sensory rice also helps them work on their fine motor control.

- The uncooked sensory rice is small, perfect for little hands to scoop and also to pick up the individual grains of rice. They can use cups, bowls, spoons to scoop up the sensory rice which encourages hand eye co-ordination.

- The bright colours of the sensory rice are very visually stimulating.

- There is also an auditory component to sensory rice play, as your little one swishes around the rice in the tray, pours and drops the rice using tools, cups and whatever else you have in the kitchen! :)

- Sensory play is a mindful activity and is known for its calming benefits.

Recommended for 12+ months, adult supervision is required at all times.

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